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The rapidly increasing digitisation of the economy and society leads to Industry 4.0. People, machines, equipment, logistics and products should be able to communicate and cooperate directly with each other. This is intended to integrate production as well as logistics processes intelligently between companies in the same production process in order to make production even more effective and more flexible. This creates value-added chains, which also include all phases of the product life cycle of a product - from the idea to development, production, usage and maintenance, right through to recycling. Customer wishes are incorporated, from the product idea up to and including the service.

By networking companies, it is possible to optimise not only one stage in production, but the entire value-added chain. If all information is available in real time, a company can, for example, react at an early stage to the availability of certain raw materials. Production processes are controlled across companies in such a way that they save resources and energy. All in all, the cost-effectiveness of production can be improved, the competitiveness of industry in Germany strengthened and the flexibility of production increased.

Source: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie,

In this blog we feature Industry 4.0 customer applications for our enclosures: