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Little MINITEC brought a cheeky sense of fun to the world of handheld enclosures – and it’s still making customers smile. The concept was simple enough: create a handy little case for personal electronics by sandwiching an intermediate ring between two outer shells. And the result was something far greater than the sum of its parts…

MINITEC wowed iF awards judges with its array of shapes, sizes and brightly-coloured intermediate rings. This is supposed to be a standard enclosure…and yet there’s a huge number of possible permutations based on the various versions, sizes, colours and the different types of intermediate rings. Yes, it’s possible to customise MINITEC but you won’t need to specify much work because there’s usually an off-the-shelf combination that suits most designers’ requirements.

MINITEC can be carried in a pocket, attached to a key ring, worn on the wrist, around the neck or clipped to a belt. Most of the top and bottom sections are moulded from ABS but some are PMMA for wireless remote control applications. Recent additions to MINITEC range have included intermediate rings with a slot for a USB (and the accessories now include a USB end cover).