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MINITEC might be our tiniest enclosure…but the range is very large indeed. With two shapes (D ‘Drop’ and E ‘Edge’), three sizes and lots of colours and intermediate rings, it’s very easy to specify your ideal pocket-sized enclosure.

One of the secrets of MINITEC’s success is the choice of intermediate rings. These allow the enclosures to be attached to belts, wrist straps, lanyards and key rings. And in the case of the E version, some intermediate rings can be specified with no additional aperture(s) at all – making this version very pocket friendly.

The enclosures are moulded from trusty ABS (UL 94 HB). Infrared-permeable PMMA (UL 94 HB) versions are also available for wireless remote-control electronics. Users can attach the housing to a split ring and store it safely in a pocket with their keys. Enclosure sizes start at 51 x 32 x 13 mm. Accessories include a key ring and a USB end cover.