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Example 1: SMART-TERMINAL Enclosures For Embedded Systems

New SMART-Terminal is designed for high end central control applications. It comprises an extruded aluminium case with two plastic end covers that are recessed to protect connectors and switches.

The deep recesses also serve a second purpose. They help to conceal the four fixing screws on each side – further enhancing the overall aesthetics. But what If you’re specifying SMART-TERMINAL as part of an embedded system? What if the cases are destined to sit in a larger enclosure or cabinet? In this scenario the attractive plastic end covers are less important. In fact, they will take up more space.

That is why we launched SMART-TERMINAL with flat aluminium end plates as a standard option. They require less space inside the cabinet – and the fixing screws are all visible (making it easier to reach them when the enclosure is embedded).