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Over time, SKILLQUBE has expanded its product portfolio to include a wide range of variants to reflect the equipment produced by well-known manufacturers of defibrillators and ventilators. As a result, the requirements for the enclosures have increased accordingly:

  • greater volume to integrate larger displays
  • high-quality UV-resistant material so training can also be delivered outdoors.

The newer qubeZERO device series is the latest simulation system from the qubeSERIES. It includes everything necessary for a realistic exercise. The device integrates perfectly with the controller, assessment and the cloud – providing detailed and successful simulations. Various integrated views offer a wide range of practical training exercises. In addition to a 12-lead ECG with pacer and integrated real-time CPR feedback, the qubeZERO also has an AED and manual defibrillator.

SKILLQUBE specified the larger CARRYTEC version L for the qubeZERO. CARRYTEC L is 348 x 303 x 117 mm with a display diagonal of 13.3"/33.8 cm. , It is moulded from high-quality ASA-PC-FR (UL 94 V-0) in the standard colour lava which is similar to anthracite grey. Customisation included CNC machining plus the manufacture and installation of strips, covers and a mounting plate for an iPad.